What we want for the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale

Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale logo.

This plan is about the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

We just call it the Shire.

A thumbs up next to an arrow pointing up.

We have done a lot to improve the Shire over the last few years.

A person giving 2 thumbs up.

We are proud of what we have done.

And we are excited for what we plan to do next.

A group of people and a dog. One person is in a wheelchair and another person is wearing glasses and holding a long cane.

In 2021, there were 1,151 people with disability living in the Shire who need help with their day‑to‑day life.

A calendar that says '2016' next to an arrow pointing up.

This number has gone up since 2016.

A person supporting another person under a dollar sign with a strike through it.

And more people in our community now provide care to others without pay.

An accessibility icon next to an arrow pointing up.

We want to make the Shire more accessible.

A magnifying glass that shows a tick. Next to the magnifying glass is a location icon with a dotted line leading to another location icon.

When the community is accessible, it is easy to:

  • find and use services
  • move around.

A person with disability behind a DJ set up.

This means it is easier for people with disability to take part in the community.

An arrow curving around a group of people from different backgrounds pointing to themselves.

We also want to make the Shire more inclusive.

A person taking part in a sporting activity.

When something is inclusive, everyone:

  • can take part
  • feels like they belong.

A person supporting someone to move around the community in their mobility aid.

We want the Shire to be a place that supports and welcomes everyone.

This includes people:

3 people of different ages.

  • of different ages

Icons of a brain, eye with a strike through it and ear with a strike through it.

  • with disability

2 hands pressed together in prayer next to a world icon.

  • from different backgrounds.